Global Sourcing

We secure the best nature has to offer for your products. Nature is our most important supplier.

That is why we do all we can to secure our direct access to the best natural raw materials for the long term. Together with our global fruit and vegetable partners, we set great store by vertical integration with consistent quality standards and our own processing facilities on site, all over the world. This guarantees you the best natural ingredients and optimum planning reliability.

Consistently excellent quality through vertical integration

Be it fruit, dry fruit, vegetables or plants – our raw materials come from wherever the best quality grows. We have always relied on a range of different supply sources in growing regions around the world. This allows us both to guarantee the very highest reliability of delivery and to compensate for fluctuations in harvests and prices.

Discover our whole journey from nature To a unique multi-sensory experience

Cutting-edge Technology

We use advanced technologies to process our raw materials gently and efficiently.

Quality & Food Safety

Through our quality management, we optimise our entire company constantly – from the quality of our raw materials and processing technology through to the quality of the products and services.

Multi-Sensory Experiences

Taj Multi-Sensory Excellence shows you how you can live up to consumer expectations with all the senses.