The legend AhmedmiyaRasoolmiya had a history of selfmadeenterprenew. His father Rasoolmiya inspired him since childhood to get into business saying working for somebody else is like renting an apartment. Working for yourself is like owning your home if you have the natural ability & drive to follow your own dreams and goals starting your own business could be for you. You will definitely have the most freedom & potential for growth, satisfaction & independence. He never expected he would have to take care of them self after his mother died She left him with three siblings to raise and a household to run, when he was 14, because lose of his mother’s grief made his father was drone to depression.
He had numerous chores to help make financial ends meet for his family. He did many small business like, selling dry fruits, fresh fruits, seasonal business of crackers, kites, ice golla’s and etc… living in one room rented house, often sleeping to “ forget the misery of hunger “, he raised his sisters, and took great care of his father, with the best he could, he and her siblings had always been close, he had been their biggest support. After his father’s death he was forced to leave education, to be a guardian of his sisters before he was 18. But the key difference between him and others was that he was a very sensitive taster, “ like wine taster or tea taster “.
He could select flavors and fruits for extracting flavors. He started his entrepreneurial carrier from a cart by selling ice golla’s, snow cone / snow slush, served with flavored syrup poured on top. He started in 1955 from labyrinth of Ahmedabad ‘s walled city offering hygienic and delicious ice golla’s. Throngs of loyal fans gathered there during summers. The flavors made from Rose, Saffron, Rat Rani (Night blooming Jasmine),Khus , Kala Khatta, Orange and Falsa were very popular. Through hard work and a reputation for remaining true to his internal compass, he continued his business; his younger sister Zohar Fatima and his better-half Salehabanu were a helping hand in his success. The greatest achievement was that he served what was possible. Never compromised in quality, believed in the products he was making. A real challenge was his unique fusion combinations, he made sure that the flavors don’t blend but stand out like “Almond and Pistachio”, “Ginger-Lemon” etc.
Not only picking top quality flowers but the ones right stage of life cycle of a flower when the petals should be distilled for exotic flavor. Using this expertise he began to make formulations that were unique. He began experimenting with flavors in his kitchen at home. After years and years of trail and error. He finally created a flavored cordial that satisfied his demanding standards. He continued to explore and develop a spectrum of exciting flavors for syrups and sauces. As ice- golla’s were appreciated he started bottling and selling syrups too. This powerful combination lead to the creation of Taj Ice Cream. TAJ ice cream had been pioneer in making artisan ice creams using only fruits, dry fruits, chocolates, milk and sugar. We add no preservatives or stabilizers.
Rich flavors enhanced with a blend of extracts and pure-cane sugar brings this aromatic syrups to new heights. Taj serves uniquely delicious combination with pure ingredients to deliver a taste experience unlike any other.
However, like most journeys, there are always hurdles to cross. One such hurdle was the equipment used to make the ice cream. Because of its manual use in nature, it became quite a task to increase the production capacity and keep up with the rising demand.Taj Food Products focused on pioneerwidespread business of Sharbatmanufacturing . And stepped in providing a range of consultancy services to ice cream, gelato, sherbet and sorbet,manufacturers coffee shops, cold drinks parlors. These range help in formulating recipes, reducing costs by replacing expensive imported additives, problem solving, courses in advanced product manufacture, advice on all aspects of HACCP including process validation, providing assistance in discussions with regulatory authorities to independent audits of plant, process and external advice received. Independent nutritional advice on the manufacture and safety of low or sugar-free gelato and ice cream products is also provided.