Our Brands

Garden Honey
Taste the sweet goodness of 100% all natural Chinar Garden Honey from the valleyofKashmir. At Chinar we’re proud to offer some of thebestHoneyintheworld.
We have pure honey with a variety of Origins & unique honeys infused with Tea, Coca,HotPeppers&muchmore…

Beauty Secrets
Shaheen’s Secret is national originally certifiedcosmeticproductsmadewithall organicingredients.
Welcome to the new era of cosmetic flavours that delights your complex and beautynaturally. We offer wide range of luxury Bathing Bars, Scrubs, Face Wash, Face Mask, Peel of Mask, BodyButter,Shampoo&HandSanitizersetc…

Sweetness with Perfection
One of the most trusted manufactures, exports & suppliers of premium quality crystalclearInvert&GoldenInvert Sugar.
Our Invert Syrups can be safely use as emulsifying agents as well as colorants on Backed Food, Cold Drinks, Sauces, DairyProducts,PetFoods&Medicinesetc…

Blended to make everyday memorable
The perfect cup of tea is crafted long before it touches your lips, great taste and unique aroma provides awesome taste&refreshmentstoeverymood.
Discover the fantastic world of Good Leaf Teaoffering : Calming, rich& extremely classy the packs of the Tea offer many distinct flavours, the reis something for everyone.